A month after we learned that Judy Garland‘s iconic The Wizard of Oz Dorothy dress would be up for grabs at Julien’s Auctions in Beverly Hills (with a $200,000 starting bid), it’s found a new place to call home! An anonymous bidder shelled out $480,000 for the blue gingham pinafore with white puff sleeves, which was right in the $400,000-to-$600,000 range that auctioneers predicted the dress would fetch. According to the auction house’s Web site, it is one of the only original complete versions of the Adrian-designed costumes still in existence and includes a handwritten label with Garland’s name inscribed on it. We’re sure the new owner is over the rainbow about his/her piece of film fashion history, but we just hope there are a pair of ruby slippers to match. (Hey, maybe Leonardo DiCaprio is involved…) Meanwhile, the rest of us will have to get our Wizard of Oz fix from the prequel, out March 8, 2013, and starring Michelle Williams, Rachel Weisz, Mila Kunis, and James Franco. If we only had some cash!
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• DiCaprio Buys Oz Ruby Slippers