With Election Day officially upon us, the stars are holding nothing back when it comes to showing support for their favorite candidate, and all in a very fashionable way. Beyoncé has been sporting Erika Pena’s Barack Obama hoop earrings ($32; erikapenashop.com) out and about in New York City, while, last night, Katy Perry wore a second curve-hugging dress that boasted her choice in candidate—this time, with Obama’s slogan Forward—as she performed at the President’s campaign rally in Milwaukee. And Miley Cyrus took to Twitter (in a Barack T-shirt) to share that she would #ROCKTHEVOTE for Obama. Tells us: Do you like the stars’ politically themed style choices?
Plus, see our favorite Election-worthy lacquers!
• See Katy Perry’s Presidential Manicure
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• Check Out Our Favorite Mrs. O Looks!