Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Obama Gets Fashionable Support from Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, and ...

With Election Day officially upon us, the stars are holding nothing back when it comes to showing support for their favorite candidate, and all in a very fashionable way. Beyoncé has been sporting Erika Pena’s Barack Obama hoop earrings ($32; erikapenashop.com) out and about in New York City, while, last night, Katy Perry wore a second curve-hugging dress that boasted her choice in candidate—this time, with Obama’s slogan Forward—as she performed at the President’s campaign rally in Milwaukee. And Miley Cyrus took to Twitter (in a Barack T-shirt) to share that she would #ROCKTHEVOTE for Obama. Tells us: Do you like the stars’ politically themed style choices?

Plus, see our favorite Election-worthy lacquers!


• See Katy Perry’s Presidential Manicure

• Beyoncé to Perform at the Super Bowl

• Check Out Our Favorite Mrs. O Looks!



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