Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mixtape: Movember Music | MTV FORA

Collective sighs aside, Movember is here and it supports an important cause. In honour of razors collecting dust and raising awareness for prostate cancer, we’ve Tom Selleck-ted some notable moustachioed fellahs who simultaneously make great music and have an uncanny facial hair growing ability. From wispy whiskers to full out caterpillars, for inspiration listen/watch here. After all, they say a bro with a mo is like a cat in a hat. *adorable!

1. Justice – Genesis

2. Coconut Records – Any Fun

3. Slick Rick – Hey Young World

4. Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros – Home

5. Gotye – Eyes Wide Open

6. OK GO! – Here It Goes Again

7. Twin Shadow – Castles In The Snow

8. Dead Man’s Bones (Hey girl) – Pa Pa Power

9. Hall & Oates – Maneater

10. The Black Keys – Only One

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