Thursday, November 8, 2012

Beyoncé Surprises Kids With Her Dance Moves, While Michelle ...

Subscribe to PopSugarTV! Visit our website for more celebrity and entertainment news! Are we friends yet? Join us on Facebook! https Get the latest updates via Twitter! Beyonce Surprises Kids With Her Dance Moves, While Michelle Obama Does The Dougie! Beyonce has a sweet surprise for school kids, and First Lady Michelle Obama shows off her awesome dance moves! I’m Lauren, and this is your PopSugar Rush! Beyonce Knowles gave the kids at Harlem’s PS 161 a very big surprise yesterday when she showed up unannounced during a dance workout. The students let out a squeal as the superstar joined in on their exercise to do the steps from her “Move Your Body” video. Beyonce may have had trouble walking at Monday night’s Met Gala, but the superstar easily busted a move in her high heels as part of her Let’s Move! campaign with Michelle Obama to fight childhood obesity. While Beyonce was getting down in Harlem, the First Lady was back in DC where she also paid a surprise visit to a middle school and showed off her sense of rhythm. The First Lady spoke to the children about the initiative, and she also let loose, as she did the dougie and even the running man for the students in this clip from ABC news. 600 schools participated in the Lets Move! Campaign yesterday as students around the world danced at the same time to Beyonce’s video routine. We’re also excited to see even more new moves from Beyonce. The singer just released a 20 second


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