Monday, June 25, 2012

NINI News: Egypt's Prime Minister Refuses To Apologize To Nini

The Story
NINI News: Egypt's Prime Minister Refuses To Apologize To Nini
Jun 26th 2012, 00:41

A few weeks ago I ran the story about Nini being banned from Egypt, and now I'm running the continuation to that story. Being that Nini is no longer allowed in Egypt, her team at PSR has said they feel her music should not be allowed to be played or purchased down there until she gets an apology from the Prime Minister, which has sparked a BIG angry reaction from the fans out there who are pressuring the Prime Minister to apologize to her before that happens. But the Minister has flat out refused to apologize to her or anyone else that has been banned, here's what he said "I refuse to apologize to someone who clearly works for evil forces, they don't give their heart or their love to GOD and they do not deserve an apology from me or my country, I believe Miss Nini as well as many other female artists like Beyonce Knowles or Mariyah Carey are actually good people, but they do evil things and worship evil Gods to get more popular and to get a tremendous amount of money, and why should I apologize to the devil's helpers?" This statement almost got him assassinated, as a fan from Egypt pulled out a gun and shot at him while he was speaking on problems in the country, he wasn't killed but was hit twice in his shoulder and in his hip, and we are told he is in a bad condition at the local hospital and the fan has been arrested with attempted murder. Nini has not responded to his statement as of yet, but the other women who have been mentioned in the statement actually have, with Beyonce tweeting "The prime minister is a joke all of his words are so hilarious to me, and its really funny because you can tell he is getting told what to say but he has NO IDEA what he's talking about lol" and Mariyah Carey Making a statement saying "Its extremely offensive, but people who talk what they do not know will always get proved wrong, so I will leave that in the hands of karma" Even though Nini hasn't responded, her management team has, saying "The man is obviously nuts, he lost his damn mind and we think that Nini should not continue to release music in that country until their minister comes to his senses and shuts up" In other news, a new shirt has released by the PSR clothing line and it was apparently Rihanna's idea, its a shirt that says "Royalty" and has a crown with lions on the side and its not just for the royal celebs, even though it may seem like it due to Nini and all of the royal celebs wearing it, its actually available on the PSR site for $39.99 for anyone to buy and RIHANNA has made a statement saying "Chill, its not just for royal celebrities its for anyone who is royal and feels royal at heart, we were testing it out to see how it looked on us so that's why some of you may have come to the conclusion that its only made for royalty and you all are dead wrong!" Its a nice looking shirt and its the first shirt to be released in months, what do you guys think about all of this?


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